Jump x Willie Cribb
JUMP launched through local creator’s channels drove double the engagement proving the power of strategic creative partnerships.
The Challenge
Launching micromobility in ANZ
As a solution to the demand for more mobility options, reduced congestion, and improved environmental outcomes in our cities, Uber launched JUMP e-scooters and e-bikes as a first for the Asia Pacific region. Educating riders and stakeholders would be key to avoiding the pitfalls that plagued predecessors in ANZ.
Our Solution
Position micro-mobility with a younger audience
To precede safety events in Auckland and a stream of brand-led ads, we partnered with local influencer and comedian Willie Cribb to raise mass awareness and intrigue of JUMP with a key younger demographic whose interests around affordable mobility and climate align with the vision for the Uber platform. The series featured a hero comedy piece with safety and acquisition cut downs.
Performance Marketing
Analysis & Consulting
Campaigns & Advertising
Content Production